Sunday, May 5, 2019

RANDOM THOUGHT - I'm really confused

On social media, having followers is a big thing, especially if what you're after is an audience (for acting, performing, reading, whatever).

I started without a clue and posted tweets to my blog and blogged daily.

When I gave up promoting the blog, and started connecting to PEOPLE, things changed. The frustration died (happily), and the fun began. I found out about people's struggles with their mental illness. I got to read lots of great snippets from writers' WIPs. I read funny stories, jokes, and moment-in-the-life-of tweets. People like music, so I discovered bands I'd never heard of. People like tv, and movies, and FOOD!  Twitter became lots of fun and my following grew as I followed more and more interesting people. Struggling people. Talented people.

Twitter also has the vss365 (very short story 365 days). Mine range in popularity from nobody cares to wow!

Is it a gauge of my writing ability? Or is it a snapshot of interest in my writing at any given moment? In the final analysis, my writing isn't going to be spot on daily. I often write out a tweet story and just hit "send" thinking I've said something. Other times, I write it out, only to edit it and add to it, and sweeten it, and imagery will occur to me and voila, even I like it!

And then there's this blog, right?

The singular shining post is the scene from my WIP with Joe and Michelle at Dominica's grave. I love it, too, but is my poetry lacking that badly?

It's hard for me to know.

I will, however, keep slogging away. Perhaps I won't hit "post" so quickly. I'll let my thought marinate overnight and see if I can say something with more panache in the morning.

That's all. Maybe this post was more for me.

Make someone else's day magical!

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