Sunday, February 3, 2019

Versatile Blogger Award - 7 Things About Me

I had the honor and privilege of being nominated by Millennial Adulting.  For tips on living life and getting adult sorts of things done, please visit her blog.

Now I share 7 things about myself.

1. I can't commit 100% to a vegan lifestyle. I love animals and believe they should be treated ethically whether they're meant for eating or not, but the convenience of buying animal products and by-products is too easy.

2. Some members of my family are Jehovah's Witnesses, and their entrapment in this cult irritates me.  By some measures, the "cult" is harmless, but they are not free to leave without suffering utter and complete shunning.

3. I like solving my problems on my own first, or barring that, after consulting people who I believe have some sort of wisdom bone.

4. One vein in my body is ambitious.  The other is lazy.  I can't find a balance between the two extremes.  I am fully addicted to Twitter. It took less than six months.

5. I have a cat, who I adore!

6. My phone has become an indispensable appendage and it's possibly more useful than my hands.

7. The first two chapters of my novel-in-progress were sent to an editor to see what changes he might make. It's my desire to send my very best work to query literary agents. I'm very grateful to those who provided feedback so far.  While not all suggested changes were made and none appear in the blog post, the changes I did make appear in the document that I'm working on.

I'm now supposed to nominate 15 bloggers, so here they are for your perusal and enjoyment:

Twitter Handle - blog website

@weilandwrites -

@NerdMind1 -

@doc_bipolar -

@bipolarbattle -

@CUnderwoodUK -

@EleanorSegall -

@momleficent -

@AlBell42017 -

@iverboten -

@joansenio1 -

@lukericha -

@SeaOfBlush -

@graphitedragon1 -

@AV_writing -

@housewifeboozy -

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