Tuesday, July 24, 2018

RANDOM THOUGHT - Things I see on the road

Florida's pedestrians seem unconcerned for their lives.  They walk off the sidewalk into oncoming traffic.  They open car doors when they're parked when a car is pulling into the space next to them.  But what I saw on the road yesterday really blew my mind (in a confounding sort of way).

I was behind a couple cars in the far right lane at a red light and the road had three lanes. In the far left lane was an olive colored SUV in front of a red SUV.  We were all on A1A headed north.

The red SUV started honking, so I thought maybe the light was green, but that wasn't it.  The olive SUV in front of him had gone into reverse and was heading into the red SUV.  The red SUV kept honking, but olive SUV kept reversing until he hit the red SUV!  I thought a fight might break out.  That would have been logical, and therefore that's not what happened. 

Instead, the olive SUV driver put it back in drive and drove forward.  I thought the red SUV driver would have given chase, taken a photo of the offending driver's tag and called 9-1-1.  That, too would have made sense, so that didn't happen either.  This is South Florida.  Logic does not prevail.

The red SUV driver put his car in park and got out to check for damage.  I guess he saw none because he caught up to the rest of us.  I thought he would have gone searching for the olive SUV (I mean, it's not a popular SUV color, so he wouldn't have been hard to find, right?).  But no, traffic resumed as normal, leaving me wondering what kind of schmucks I'm sharing the road with.  I thought the nation's problem was meth. 

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Hello and thank you for leaving your thoughts.