Sunday, October 28, 2018

For Writers and Artists - Your Demons

I'm reading a book called Writing Down the Bones, which was a gift from a friend who supports my writing endeavors.  Author Natalie Goldberg says, "If you are not afraid of the voices inside you, you will not fear the critics outside you.  Besides, those voices are merely guardians and demons protecting the real treasure, the first thoughts of the mind."

I'm going to keep this short.

We all have demons, but if you remember the ancient cathedrals of the middle ages, you'll know that the ugly, demented gargoyles were meant to protect the sacred from evil spirits.

Our ugly, demented thoughts may be willing to serve a similar purpose, guarding what's sacred inside us.  Rather than allowing those thoughts to defeat us, perhaps we can face them and befriend them.  Since they're inside our heads, maybe their real purpose is to protect us from darker, evil forces outside us. 

We can think of them as guardians, gatekeepers of our tender emotions.

DEMON (inner voice): I'm worthless.  I don't deserve to live.

MASTER (you): This is not true.  You're supposed to protect me, not scare me.

To put it another way, think of Fluffy, the 3-headed dog in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  Fluffy was huge and scary!  But Fluffy's job was to protect the treasure from Voldemort. 

Our Fight or Flight system is one part Fluffy.  Taking ownership and responsibility over our inner Fluffy means Fluffy can guard us in our most vulnerable moments.  Inner Fluffy is wild and untamed and doesn't recognize who's boss.  So we have to learn how to train her so she attacks enemies, and not us.  And all will be well in our heads.

Make someone else's day magical!


  1. I love this post and now I want to read the other ones too, Mackenzie!

    A short is a good post - long ago I read that keeping oe's blog post to around 400 words was the ideal length. Sadly, I couldn't follow that and most of my posts were waaaaaaay too long, LOL! (I'm taking a hiatus from blogging but I absolutely loved doing it for a long time.)

  2. Coming from a published author, I am humbled and grateful that you even found my blog. I'm delighted beyond measure that you enjoyed this post enough to continue exploring the site. Be well, my friend.


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