Thursday, October 25, 2018

RANDOM THOUGHT - Visual imagery to overcome fear

Get some place quiet, close your eyes and imagine yourself as a little kid, the littler the better.  You're in your pajamas with your favorite bedtime toy and standing in a valley.

There is nowhere to hide.

Think of a fear that's holding you back.

Now, imagine how big that fear is.  Estimate each unit of energy of that fear as a man.  How many men equals the power of your fear?

Now, put every man on a horse.  Is it a 100 men, or a million men on horseback?

(c) Getty Images

Hear those men on horse thundering towards you in your pajamas.  They stop at the crest of a hill and you're trembling.

One man gets off his horse and approaches you. 

You say, "Why are you always chasing me?  You're scaring me!"

He says, "You don't have to be scared of us.  We're your cavalry.  We've been trying to tell you that you're our Queen/King.  We'll take you anywhere you want to go.  Where would you like us to take you?"

This is owning your power.  

That energy you've been scared of is inside you.  It's YOUR energy.

All this time, you've been devoting your own energy into scaring the living shit out of yourself, when all you need to do is take full possession of it and direct it outwards.  Lead that energy, YOUR energy, outwards to conquer and have what you want in life.

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