Tuesday, July 23, 2019

RANDOM THOUGHT - Dominating self doubt and the inner critic

I've had this conversation a couple times with writers who struggle with mental health challenges. It's not limited to creatives. It's not limited to minds under duress.

SELF DOUBT takes up residency in the human mind. Every human mind. The question then, is how much real estate do we let Self Doubt take up rent free?

The conversation goes something like this:

Me: Okay, you're a writer. When you hear the voice of Self Doubt (or Inner Critic), what does she look like?

Other writer describes Self Doubt as herself, but elderly, schtooped over, wrinkly, raspy voice, maybe even cataracts in her eyes, demeaning, belittling.

Image result for royalty free old crone
Photo: Shutterstock

Me: Excellent, you see her. If you go forward, Self Doubt says that's wrong. If you go to the right, she says that's wrong. If you go to the left, she criticizes that move too.  If you stop and loop back, she doubts that too. What does Self Doubt want?

Other writer: I don't know. For me to stay right here?

Me: Exactly. Self Doubt is a miserable old has-been whose sole purpose is to DOUBT YOU, no matter what you do or which direction you choose. She feeds on your joy and confidence. If you listen to Self Doubt (or Inner Critic), you sit still, life passes you by and you become HER. Your vision winds up diminishing. Your back bends over. Your joints ache with every move. You shrivel up and life a half life.

Other writer: Oh my God!

Me: I've been in those dark lonely places with Self Doubt's voice. And sooner or later, I realized, hey, I'm ALIVE. I'm not ready to be buried under all this negativity.

Other writer: GIRL

Me: She's keeping you from writing, so let's just be where you're at right now. You need to get around SELF DOUBT the obstacle so you can get past her and get back to your writing. Make Self Doubt a character or monster or villain. What does she eat, since she's so evil? How does she smell? What does she wear? Write a protagonist to defeat her. Write a story where Self Doubt the villain gets what's coming to her, then go back to your writing project.

Other writer: Hangs up on me immediately and gets to it!

I fucking love this.

Back to the real estate in your psyche devoted to Self Doubt. Don't let that bitch squatter live extravagantly in your head at the expense of your joy and happiness. Shrink it down to size and let the real estate for your Self Confidence expand, lavishly.

Make someone else's day magical!



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