Monday, July 29, 2019

RANDOM THOUGHT - Seen on the road

On my way to work, I was in the left hand lane and an endless line of cars was parallel parked. I saw something moving under the back end of car. It was shapeless and unrecognizable until a human head and shoulders and back became clear. It was a man getting into position to inspect under the car.

With traffic coming only inches from his head!

Aside from sheer stupidity, I had to wonder what would compel a man to take such a huge risk with his life.

The writing exercise is to write a story based on an image from real life or TV. That was real life and it'll be the basis of a short story.

So far, I like my notes on it, but I do need to interview some people from Ecuador and Guatemala to make it authentic. Ecuador will be easy since I know at least one person who escaped. Guatemala might not be. Writing about immigrants from two different countries may turn into too much backstory for something so short, but I can decide later.

Sometimes, writing is fun!

Make someone else's day magical!

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