Sunday, August 19, 2018


This morning's motivation wasn't motivation per se, but a listen in on a TED Talk about the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico.  This led to browsing the TED Talk website's blog, and I found a request for comments on what plastic products people would like to see banned.

I was surprised to see microfiber show up, but this isn't good stuff apparently.  Too bad.  It's so soft!

Then I saw a request to ban personal care products with plastic microbeads.  Once the plastic microbeads are washed down the drain, they wreak havoc on the world's water supplies, including everything that lives in water.

I found a very long list of products that have ZERO microbeads.  It was too long to replicate, so here's the link directly to the products with ZERO in the USA.  If you're from another country, browse around the site for your country's list.

If the ocean dies, we all down, Armageddon-style.  Maybe that's God's ultimate plan, but I'd rather not live through it, so please let's all do our part. 

An even more stringent search for zero microplastics is here:


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